

Do you share our enthusiasm for exploring licensing opportunities for the captivating artworks of Margaret Keane?  As you may know, Margaret Keane’s creations, particularly her iconic ‘Big Eyes’ paintings, have made a lasting impact on popular culture over the past six decades. The release of Tim Burton’s film “Big Eyes” has reignited interest, introducing a new generation to her timeless artistry.

Margaret Keane’s work evokes profound emotions and has the rare ability to resonate deeply with viewers across different demographics. We envision her distinctive images translating seamlessly into a wide range of licensed products, creating unique and compelling consumer experiences.

Specifically, we propose exploring licensing opportunities in the following categories:

  1. Toys & Games: Imagine an entire ‘Keane Family’ collection featuring toys, dolls, plush items, games, drawing books, and cut-outs, each capturing the charm and emotional depth of Keane’s art.
  2. Household Products: From bedding and drapery to floor coverings, wall treatments, and towels, Keane’s evocative imagery can enhance both children’s rooms and adult living spaces alike.
  3. Garments & Fashion Apparel: Beyond the traditional t-shirts, we envision a range of fashion-forward items including silk robes, lingerie, sleepwear, ties, hats, aprons, purses, and shoes, each adorned with Keane’s distinctive paintings.
  4. Jewelry: Explore opportunities for a line of jewelry that appeals to both children and adults, featuring watches, pendants, necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings inspired by Keane’s iconic artworks.

These categories merely scratch the surface of the potential applications for Margaret Keane’s extensive library of artwork. We are confident that her timeless creations will resonate with consumers in a variety of unique and compelling ways.

We are eager to discuss how we can collaborate to bring Margaret Keane’s art to a broader audience through innovative and high-quality licensed products.

Thank you for considering this proposal. We look forward to the possibility of working together to create a vibrant and engaging Keane-inspired world.

We’ve only mentioned four (4) categories. After reviewing a selection of her paintings, you’ll see that our library is extensive, offering numerous possibilities and applications. If you have your own unique ideas or concepts in mind, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s collaborate and create a vibrant KEANE world together.

Warm Regards,

Robert Brown, Executive Director
Keane Eyes Gallery
373 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-922-9309
